Two minutes into the trip, Jenny is out. Some people just weren't meant for the road...

We traveled through the desert to San Bernardino...

Jenilee and I are very excited about Dave & Busters.

Kristen won the derby race! It's only fitting--she's from Kentucky!

I won the jackpot!

Jenny and I with our stuffed animal prizes! Check out Jenny's blog

The group with our prizes! Off to Journey...

Don't stop...believin'...

The new lighter. Fun times for all. It's so nice to get out of Hollywood...
I hope that he is caught in Canada and extridited immediatelty back to California and tried for murder. When Ryan Jenkins goes to prison and they find out who is and what he has done, he might not last to long as he may be killed by fellow prisoners as they have a code of honor and Ryan Jenkins broke it.